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Economics Home 3

I talked about last part about how we economize at home as we face financial problems in the whole world. Today, I would like to discuss how housewives can make good earnings while they are sitting at home.

First of all, many housewives are good in cooking so they can use their talent to sell food from their houses in good price. For example, pastries, desserts, different recipes all can be cooked at house.

Housewives who can`t leave their houses for reason or another, can cook food in house and have good earnings, so that housewives can make different marketing ways to promote their food to be sold to schools, institutions….etc.

Housewives also can make sewing at home plus handmade wool like dresses , hats ,skirts ,baby clothes, for decorations and so on…..

Housewives can put promote their commodities in business cards,T.V, facebook,newspaper----etc.Then,their commodities will be sold and they get benefit of this.what I believe that women are so strong and they can turn any house into heaven for most of women.

Another idea is that some women allocate certain room for hair dressing,make up, nail&body care in their house especially in urban and country side where is not enough hair saloon to cut hair many ideas in house available for housewives to make good earnings.