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Family Issues Part 4

In family issues part 3, I mentioned true story to support my tips and advices for partners. In this part I will talk about third tip for each partner.

Third tip, not be ingratitude I found that both husbands as well as wives are not gratitude especially when they have a fight, both of them forget the good turn from each other. This happened when one of the partners decided to leave or have a new partner (this much common in Islamic Societies) as men can have four wives,but in certain circumstances not for fun, that is when a man has a lot of money and can afford to have a second wife ,this is possible ,that is a case .In another words there must be good reasons to have multi wives.

We should be grateful for each other in all cases whether one of them likes to stay or not. We should not mention our mistakes, faults, sins, behaviors ….etc for people plus invent stories about each other to leave.

We can be more modern and just say :we are not suitable for each other ,that is all .it does not need more effort or justification for other ,I mean when one`s life is about to be ruined ,people should be his/her to last thing to worry about.

I advice all partners to think thoroughly of their problems ,try to solve them because this is not impossible , the relation between husbands and wives have to be strong enough to move on with their financial problems ,difficulties ,raising children, manage their life ….etc.

Finally, in this tip I would like to add that nobody is perfect ,we all have advantages and disadvantages either. You can not find complete person ,but we can find someone who endure to live with us ,when they have much in common in habits, qualities .lifestyle and much more.(To be Continued).